・Free-dial フリーダイヤル: 0120-979-363
・For overseas inquiries 海外からのお問い合わせ: +81-3-5500-6611
*For customers requesting a quotation
1. Please fill in the translation quotation form(Japanese only) or
2. For e-mail inquiries, please supply us with the information below and send the original document as an attachment.
●Name of person in charge
●Company name
●Phone number
●Language to be translated (e.g. ‘English into Japanese’)
● ご担当者名
● 御社名
● 電話番号
● 翻訳言語 ***語⇒***語
For quotation request forms and e-mails, please allow 90 minutes for a reply (during business hours only).
To translation quotation form
Inquiries to our dedicated e-mail address (to send original document as an attachment, please go here).
Please contact us first for data which exceeds 10MB.
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