

Glossary management

The use of specialized glossaries improves the efficiency of a translation.
Customized Glossaries

In the case of especially large orders or ongoing jobs specialized glossaries are used, which assure the client of a speedy and efficient, high-quality translation.We also provide Desk Top Publishing(PageMaker, FrameMaker, QuarkXPress and many others) and and localization services.

Introduction of Translation Efficiency Tools

TRADOS, the global standard for translating memory systems, offers the possibility of speed and low cost for large translations, as well as guaranteeing consistency.

Which kinds of documents are suitable for this translation memory system?
  • Documents which share many similar phrases
  • Computer manuals, work manuals, etc.
  • Reports, periodical reports which are regularly renewed though contain many of the same phrases
  • Large translations that need to be completed in a short time
  • When a group of translators are jointly managing sample translations and glossaries

